
Donate Today
As a community, we believe in tithing, a biblical principle of giving 10% of our income plus giving.
"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give"
This is a personal act of worship to God, but we do believe that this has to be heart driven.
Gift Aid Your Giving
Using Gift Aid means that for every pound you give, we get an extra 25 pence from the Inland Revenue, helping your donation go further. 
This means that £100 can be turned into £125 just so long as donations are made through Gift Aid.
Simply download a Gift Aid declaration form and send it to:
Trinity Centre, Ifield Drive, Crawley, RH11 0AQ

Online Banking

You can give via online banking, the details you will need are below.
Sort Code: 60-05-16
Account Number: 18533736
Smart Phones

Text CC018 to 64647
You will receive instructions which take you straight to the donation page.
Paythru (Online Donations)
Paythru is a secure and easy way to make a donation to Church. Simply click one of the options that you wish to give to and follow the intructions.
Standing Order

To give via Standing Order, download a Standing Order form and send to:
Trinity Centre, The Mardens, Crawley, RH11 0AQ
If you are paying gift aid, please remember to include your 'Gift Aid reference number' if you have one.

Please make all cheques payable to Elim Church Crawley. Cheques can be sent to:
Trinity Centre, The Mardens, Crawley, RH11 0AQ

You can donate cash on a Sunday or throughout the week at one of our community events.
Please do not send cash through the post.